Saturday, April 3, 2010

Blood and chocolate

Grenada is an island with a wild history, even by the piratical standards of the Caribbean. It’s written into the place names, the buildings, even the trees in the forests. Something to think about as you sip a cold Carib beer in your hammock by the sea.

From the Sunday Telegraph

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It was the best of climbs ...

Atlas Mountains, Morocco
It was one of the best nights of my life. A night when you remember why you travel. A place few people have ever been. Dawn breaking through a gap in ochre-red mountains and slowly filling an endless, empty valley with light. Utterly beautiful, utterly tranquil. Except for the thrashing and groans of torment which had been going on all night and were still coming from Eddie's tent.
From the Telegraph

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Abu Dhabi: where trees grow on money

Turn it green, said the king of the desert. Plant a few trees. Put some animals on it. Starting with the extinct ones. Oh, and build a couple of palaces while you’re at it – one for me and one for the ladies. 

This article first appeared in The Sunday Telegraph (click here)