my day job as creative head of our ad agency, I spend some of my time thinking
of ideas. I’ve been doing it for long enough not to be scared by the blinking
cursor but still, anything that brings better ideas more easily is good.
Especially if it means I can justify what I had always thought was an
irrelevant (if enjoyable) sideline.
I like writing and I like to travel; the length of time it took me to work out that travel writing was quite a good way of combining the two is therefore somewhat embarrassing.
There’s also a certain inner conflict about the activity; travelling to special places and then telling the readers of a national newspaper or an international glossy magazine about it is bound, eventually, to make it a bit less special. It doesn’t make you popular, either; it’s generally seen as a way of getting free jollies in return for banging out a thousand words or so. Which is, to some extent, fair enough – it’s not what you’d call a difficult job.
I’d urge you to read the article for
yourself (see The Atlantic), but the argument goes that our neural pathways can be physically changed
by new experiences; immersion in different cultures can significantly increase
cognitive flexibility. Put simply, travel measurably boosts the ease and speed
with which we can make new mental connections. It can change the way we see
things. Which is quite handy, if your day job is thinking of ideas. (A week on
a sunbed in Benidorm or even a catamaran in the Caribbean doesn’t change anything, by the way.
That’s just a holiday.)
Our agency has got bigger recently and sadly,
the time I spend travelling has shrunk as the day job has grown. But now thanks
to Adam Galinsky, Brent Crane and the fashion designers, there’s scientific proof
that my secret indulgence has actually been making the ideas come a little more
easily. So don’t tell the creative teams, but I’m booking a month away in a
yurt. In Tadjikistan.
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